Imagine a spa where all of the senses are stimulated. Where the skin feels warm from the nurturing touch of the therapist, the muscles feel soothed and relaxed, where aroma therapeutic oils and flowers tantalize the sense of smell, where the eyes feel soothed by the harmonious palette of colors in nature, where the taste buds are awakened by a sweet sensation of exotic teas and natural cocktails called "Jamu". Where the lullaby of the Mountain Forest can be heard and gently comforts you to sleep. All that you have imagined can be found in soft touch care, the only authentic   Spa in mulund w.. 

The Signature Treatments 

Highly honoring the balance in body, mind and spirit, soft touch spa provides various holistic treatments with combination of water therapy, natural herbs and traditional body treatments, which has been a secret among members of soft touch spa to maintain their beauty and physical well-being. This royal ancient ritual of relaxation and pampering can now be enjoyed at soft touch spa. Guests can choose treatments such as pre-Wedding Tretament,hair treatment etc, post-Maternity package, Weight-loss program, the Four-hand Prameswari Queen massage, the classic Javanese Massage, the authentic Javanese Lulur body scrub or the exotic chocolate body wrap or amazing seasonal wrapz..!!

Many other body , skin ,hair treatments with amazing results have satisfied our customers.soft touch spa maintains itz trust factor.To plan a memorable private Spa party, guests can also use our exclusive patio which is surrounded by natural FLOWERS AND CANDLES PROVIDED BY US and to guarantee complete privacy





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