soft touch spa

 Massage Mastery

What is that special touch?

There is something magnetic, intriguing, inviting and magical about the nature of a skilled massage therapist.

People invite their touch and feel safe to relax under their care with total trust.

Soothing, comforting and healing is their touch.

Talent for The Art of Massage is present at birth and brought forth through careful instruction and diligent practice.

A kinesthetic presence goes with this one naturally.

They are a “feely, touchy” person who loves people and people love them.

Feeling their way through life they are sensitive givers. 

Massage Therapist are pleasant in nature and comfortable in the presence of royalty and commoners.

People who

 are joyful, loving, positive and a pleasure to be around.

A warm, gentle and powerful aura surrounds them.

Playful children, radiant stars they are, a gift to humanity.


Price $x.xx


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